Flipflops in the Rain

apparently this is my 200th post…

i started this blog more than two years ago. the fact that this is only my 200th post in that length of time makes me really super sad. however, if my calculations are correct, that works out to one post every 4 days, which means i’m a lot less flaky than i originally thought. (p.s. pithy, don’t even try the math.)

well, i’ve got nothing special to offer for this monumental occasion. no contests, no wacky vlogs — not even a horribly drawn, last-minute Microsoft Paint picture.

instead, i’ve got a bulleted list of things that are different now than when i started in 2007.

1. i actually have friends in d.c.: ok, to be honest, i was buddies with a lot of coworkers when i started this here journal of my life. i even confided in a few of them from time to time. but now? i feel like i’ve got a core group of people who i would miss more than life itself if i picked up and moved away. (to clarify, this includes many of those coworkers.) and i was definitely not at that point when i started. pretty sure the only core friend was the cat i adopted to keep me company.

2. i’m addicted to kristen bell, one tree hill and a shit ton of other things i should’ve already adored in 2007: not really much to add to this one. i’m in love with a bunch of teenybopper tv shows that i should’ve probably loved when they debuted five or so years ago.

3. i rediscovered the gym and lost all that i-hate-my-life-so-i’m-gonna-move-across-the-country weight: sure, i’ve rediscovered cookies for lunch and i’m slowly starting to gain it back. but at one point, i lost it and i will hold onto that FOREVER.

4. i got my nose pierced — at a rock concert no less. sorry, mommy. i guess i’m just a 26-year-old rebel child at heart.

5. i found out it IS possible to find cheap rent in the d.c. area. but when you live in a house with a bunch of party girls, you will still drain your wallet. at least it’s way more fun than paying pet rent.

6. i’m not a good dancer. i’ve always thought this might be the case, but i now know for certain that i’m not. it doesn’t stop me from trying, though.

7. flying cross-country makes me sick. but it won’t stop me from squeezing in a long weekend from home (or california) and taking the red-eye back before work on monday.

8. i miss learning and kinda want to go back to school. two years ago, i just wanted to take italian classes. now, i want my masters’ degree. i just need to decide which master’s degree. did you know there are literally thousands to choose from? well, there are. i also need to fall into a pile of money to pay for said masters’ degree.

9. i’ve quadrupled the amount of weddings i’ve attended. and weddings are a lot more fun than they used to be, now that the newlyweds are almost always people i know really well. plus, an excuse to buy a new dress , an open bar and free food don’t hurt…

10. i’m still indecisive, stubborn and passive aggressive — the difference is, i no longer deny it. love me or hate me, some things may never change. also, i’m still obsessed with my cat. deal with it.


Sounds like a lot of fun things have happened over 200 posts! πŸ™‚ Happy Holidays!

Comment by walkingonsunshine18

You know what I love about this blog? For one thing, as you know – you’re the first 20sb’er I ever found, and you’re the first person I ever found that when I read I was like, “DUDE. This girl GETS IT and she’s doing what I’m doing, so that’s COOL.” But also? I don’t think your blog has changed themes since, has it? AH, I’m so so glad I found you and can’t wait to kiss your face one day. Happy 200th!

Comment by Doniree

Soooo… I haven’t looked at my RSS feeder in like three months. I’m scared to. And looky here… I stop blogging, and you start again!
Merry Christmas Cari. Hope all is well. πŸ™‚

Comment by Je

I’d comment, but I was confused by the top 10 list and 200 posts.

Comment by pithycomments

I love you Cari! For all of your passive aggression, horrible dancing, teenage-pop obsession and your incredible abaility to make me laugh at any and all times! Congrats on #200 and I miss you!!

Comment by Rach

congrats on 200! and great linkage to your past interesting posts so i can catch up! lastly, i’m also a 26 year old obsessed with kristin bell, did you see her on punk’d? and i about came in my pants every 10 minutes in Forgetting Sarah Marshall between her and mila kunis.

Comment by Lusty Reader

Thanks to everyone for continuing to read my ramblings — even when I fall off the face of the earth for months at a time.

@Lusty LOVE Sarah Marshall. I seriously watch it once a month…. and now I’m about to look up her episode of punk’d. Thanks!

Comment by flipflopsintherain

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